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Support Group


Resilience Training and Stress Management 


Learning skills to manage stress effectively can help you and your team thrive, without burning out. In my stress management training programs for organizations, I share science-backed practical strategies to help your team understand and manage both work-related and personal stress. Drawing on my resilience research conducted at Harvard Medical School, and years of experience teaching stress management through my work as a mindfulness teacher and clinical psychologist, this training will help your team build well-being into daily life at work and home. Training is personalized to your needs. I typically cover topics such as: 

  • The science of stress and resilience

  • Good stress versus bad stress 

  • An introduction to mindfulness 

  • How to meditate

  • Mindful communication skills

  • Self-compassion for a good night's sleep 

  • How to build more meaning into your working week


For inquiries or to arrange a phone call to discuss your organization's needs contact 


Mindful Self-Compassion Training: 8 Week Course

Many people find it far easier to be kind to others than to themselves. If you value other people's needs above your own, put self-care at the bottom of the priority list, self-sabotage or use harsh language towards yourself, then you might benefit from self-compassionate training. The 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion course is an evidence-based course developed by Dr Kristin Neff (University of Texas) and Dr Christopher Germer (Harvard Medical). The course is known to help boost self-compassion, and reduce psychological symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. The course includes coverage of the science of self-compassion, guided meditations, activities designed to increase self-compassion, and group discussion in a supportive environment with like minded peers. 

Medicare rebates are available to subsidize course attendance, with a referral from your GP. 

The course will run over 8-weeks (Wednesday nights in Carlton) commencing in approximately late February 2020. The course also includes a half-day self-compassion retreat. Course facilitators are Dr Lydia Brown and expert mindfulness facilitator Jossy Jimenez (

For inquires  and to register your interest please email

As this is a social enterprise, a proportion of workshop sales goes to support a local or international good cause

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